About Song Rites

“Come seek. Come listen. Come play. Come find.”

Song Rites encompasses the musical endeavors, collaborations and offerings of the musician-couple Mark Davis (US) and Karoline Hausted (DK).

Our mission is to co-create a vital and joyful world by providing wonder-full opportunities for people to encounter the inner and outer world, through music, collaboration and awareness practices.

Song Rites offers music in a variety of constellations and with different purposes in mind, such as: 

Concerts & ceremonial music, workshops and individual sessions, musical explorations for musicians and non-musicians alike, as well as yoga & meditation.

The inherent excellence in you and me is here - to be known, to be healed, to be lived.


Booking & Press:


DK: +45 7179 3310

USA: +1 805 242 3101