June 2024

Musikvandringen "Tilbage til Haven - Voices & Traces" på Præstegårdsstien ved Sneptrup kan nu opleves alle dage året rundt.

Sneptrupvej 4, 8660 Skanderborg. Offentlig adgang.

Foto: Jens Peter Engedal

I landskabet ved Sneptrup har musikerne Karoline Hausted og Mark Davis skabt et soundtrack til turen langs Præstegårdsstien. Med hovedtelefoner guides man ad stien til lyden af musik, som er komponeret helt specielt til dette landskab og opholdsstederne langs ruten.

På stien, der går gennem smukke marker og skove, møder man Allan Bo Jensens træskulpturer. De er inspireret af bibelske arketyper og fortællinger, der udover at sætte gang i fantasien bliver en slags “medvandrere” på turen. For komponisterne har det været essentielt at skabe et varieret lydbillede svarende til variationen i landskabet. Samtidig er der “rum” i musikken, som giver plads til vores tanker. Tilbage til Haven - Voices & Traces er en invitation til at glædes over naturen og samtidig få os til at reflektere nærmere over vores rolle i den.

Musikken " Tilbage til haven - Voices & Traces" er udkommet som digitalt album. 

February 2023

 November 2022

In conjunction with the long-awaited streaming release of

Winter and the Sacred Tree, we present this complete lyric-video presentation of the recording.

We hope you enjoy it.

August 2022



It is true: both a Karoline Hausted solo release - called One And Apart - and a Mark Davis solo release - called Travel Where You Need To - are in the final mixing stages!

At some point along the recording process, we realized that there is a shared theme between our two records. Coincidence or soul-directed? Who knows, but it’s cool. They both have to do with living in a foreign place- Karoline’s songs were written and recording started while we were living in California, and they speak largely about being a Dane living there. And Mark’s, as the title “Do You Miss Me, California?” reveals, is largely written and recorded here in Denmark, since our arrival during the pandemic. For this reason, we have decided to release them at the same time.

Mastering will begin soon and we are actively looking into the best ways to put them out to the public, which can involve costs and time. As of now, they can be expected to arrive in early 2023.

HOWEVER, if you’d like to get an exclusive early peak NOW at tracks from Mark’s record- Travel Where You Need To - we have set up a Patreon page for Mark Davis and his Inklings. An unmastered mix of Mark’s opening song, “Do You Miss Me, California” can be listened to there now - it's open to the public.

If you have the means, becoming a Patreon supporter is a wonderful way to help us get these records out. More special content for supporters will be coming soon, including first listens to all the new tracks from Mark's album, plus posts about the songs and lyrics, and more surprises. Please check it out!

There is also the option to buy To Wake You a coffee (or several) and show your love that way via the buymeacoffee.com button below.

Thank you for sharing the journey with us!

(Foto: Tam Vibberstoft, www.tamvibberstoft.dk)

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